Here's something you won't see in Beijing!
One morning I woke up to the sound of horses outside my tent. They belonged to a group young Kyrgys guys who at some point that night had camped nearby. While I was making breakfast one came over to say hello. He was an English student.
'Have tea,' he said. 'Then we will play horse' and pointed to a goat eating grass by the tree.
'Play horse?' I asked.
'Yes, play horse.'
Well, this I had to see. After tea they quickly got on their horses. Stood in a circle around the goat and their one friend with a knife. Said a prayer, cut off the goat's head and feet and tossed the carcass into the air. Then they all darted after it on horseback trying to wrestle what was left of the goat away from eachother. It was messy. Once one got a hold of it they would wrap their leg around it and charge away from the group, everyone else running after. Then someone would catch up, wrestle it away and the whole thing would repeat. They played for over an hour.
Then we had some very tender shashlik. (kebabs)
There didn't seem to be a point system or any goals. I tried to ask who had won. There wasn't a clear answer. I guess everyone's a winner with shashlik!
Hi Bernadette,
What a spectacle! This gives new meaning to "playing with your food." Well, you don't need a Toys R Us to equip yourself for this game.
I wonder what all these animal welfare ppl I've been rubbing shoulders with recently would have to say about that!
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